The development of LODC Japan has been led by Professor Reiko Morita. Reiko completed Stages 1 and 2 in London and then invited Valerie Farrant to Japan in 2001, where she was able to complete her Stage 3 and become a Language of Dance specialist.

Since then Reiko has invited both Dr. Ann Hutchinson Guest and Valerie Farrant to Japan a number times to deliver LOD courses, present at conferences and deliver workshops in educational settings.

In 2010 Reiko together with Ann and Haruko Sako delivered sessions for kindergarten children, their teachers and university students, showing the true breadth of the LODs reach.

In 2015 the Your Move text book m- ダンスの言語 was translated into Japanese and Published by Taichukan, March 2015.

Two years later in 2017 Akiko Kawakami invited Valerie Farrant to teach two workshops, at Musashino University in Tokyo. Akiko had previously taken the teachers course for the Level 1 Award in London. While in Tokyo Valerie also taught an LOD session in the community before travelling to Okayama to deliver a session to Haruko Sako’s students at the university.

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